印第安那大學伯明頓分校 Indiana University Bloomington

印第安那大學伯明頓分校一直以來都位居美國頂尖大學之一且超過120個專業名列美國前20名。大學有兩個在北美最大的大學圖書館及珍本書庫, 且被命名為美國最美的大學校園之一。大學伯明頓分校的著名本科專業有:商科、管理專業、市場專業、相關支援服務、公共管理和社會服務、生物醫學和心理學專業。

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University of Victoria

The University of Victoria (also known as UVic) is a public research university on the beautiful island of Victoria, British Columbia, Columbia. UVic is a little over 5 km from downtown Victoria, BC and is known for its architecture, gardens, and mild climate. Much of the university campus is dedicated to nature, with gardens and vales which are home to several species of wild animals. UVic is well-known for its Earth and Ocean Sciences, Fine and Performing Arts, Engineering, and Law Programs, but undergraduate students can choose from any of more than 90 majors.

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Simon Fraser University

SFU has been ranked as Canada’s best comprehensive university for several years and has highly ranked Science, Engineering, Social Sciences, and Humanities programs.

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在2020年, 新冠肺炎打亂了許多學生的出國留學計劃。許多暫時性防疫措施生效,包括學生簽證暫停, 托福考試延期,美國院校都改線上授課模式。但好消息是許多院校2020年秋季的申請截止日期也因此延後,對申請者入學的語言要求調整得更有彈性, 接受包括Duolingo(DET 多鄰國英語考試)和託福考試(家考版)以代替託福雅思滿足入學的語言要求。除此之外,還有哪些申請方案呢?

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