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加州大學河濱分校 University of California, Riverside

加州大學河濱分校UC Riverside是世界上最具影響力的公立大學系統之一,也是加州大學系統中十所學校之一。學校擁有廣達1200英畝的校地,被譽為加州大學系統中面積最大的校園之一,各項基礎設施嶄新且齊全。學生可以盡情享受學習和科研的樂趣,其中現代化的教學設備、專業優良的教學師資,及圖書館內超過120萬冊的藏書,提供了一個非常完善的學習環境。

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加州大学尔湾分校 University of California Irvine


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美國猶他科技大學 Utah Tech University

美國猶他科技大學是⼀所建立於1911 年的百年聯邦政府的大學,並成為美國⻄北部最優秀的大學之⼀。著名本科包括工商管理、英語、會計、新聞與傳媒、教育、電腦及信息科技、心理學、刑事司法、牙科保健、護理與衛生、音樂、表演藝術和生物科學等。

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印第安那大學伯明頓分校 Indiana University Bloomington

印第安那大學伯明頓分校一直以來都位居美國頂尖大學之一且超過120個專業名列美國前20名。大學有兩個在北美最大的大學圖書館及珍本書庫, 且被命名為美國最美的大學校園之一。大學伯明頓分校的著名本科專業有:商科、管理專業、市場專業、相關支援服務、公共管理和社會服務、生物醫學和心理學專業。

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美利堅大學 American University


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Student Testimony

Hello, I am Jane. I was admitted to Master program in University of Utah in 2020. Back in 2014, I have been studying at Dixie State University for 3 years and I absolutely enjoyed my life there. Before coming to Dixie, I was a shy girl that I was not confident enough to speak English in public. After 3 years of studying at Dixie, I became a different person than I was in Hong Kong. I am confident in speaking English and make a lot of friends at school with different backgrounds. Dixie has given me an opportunity to learn how to be an independent person and be a better communicate person. Also, I was awarded different scholarships which offered by the school. My life has been changed a lot after studying at Dixie due to the study atmosphere and the study program. I was grateful for making a right decision to come to Dixie.

Jane Lo, Dixie State University

留學美國的這五年是我最迷茫但也是自我意識開始萌芽的時期。我高中在UTAH的一所教會學校讀書 (American Heritage School),這三年來我一直在努力讓自己融入當地的環境。第一次接觸這種自由的教育模式讓我很喜歡AHS。三年來我學到了很多,為考上優質大學打下了基礎。上了大學以後環境更加寬鬆,我也有了更多探索自我的機會。大學兩年讓我發現了真正的愛好,也讓我意識到自己的性格或許不是那麼適合留學。但是美國教育能給我的機會和挑戰是讓人著迷的,也是我真的想要追求的。因此,我一方面嘗試著接納自己的缺陷,另一方面依然對美國教育抱有著當初的熱愛。

Penny He, Vassar College

在猶他州生活和學習是一段非常不錯的經歷,在猶他大學電腦科學系學習的過程中,只要遇到問題,有很多助教可以幫助你掌握方法和學習到實際操作中的知識。猶他總體是一個非常安全和安靜的州,如果你有時候太晚回家,大學校內會給你提供免費的safe ride,相比於東部,物價也很便宜,我覺得猶他州的學習和生活很適合想安心學習的人。

黎夏, University of Utah




Shun Nakajo, Utah Valley University

It is a really cool experience to study at Dixie. I experienced and changed a lot in this one and a half year. i speak better English and even Mandarin, which I didn't expected. Besides that, I become a more outgoing person. I made a lot of new friends, including Americans and people from other countries. We had fun together doing different things all the time. I also learnt more about  how to get along and interact with different kinds of people. We went to Vegas for a few times and also different national parks. I am also  thankful that I can come to the states and live with a nice host family. I know more about American's lives by spending quite a lots of time with them, especially my host family. They took good care of me when I, as a stranger, came to America alone without any backup. They treated me like I am one of their family members. We had fun together going to movie theater and different places like Zion national park. Most of the Americans I met treated me kindly and helped me to get use to this new environment. 

DSU is definitely a good institute that people should really consider of. First, no Toefl or Ielts score is needed to be admitted to the school. Second, Faculties and students are  generally nice and willing to help international students. Third, classes are not too big that every students can get more attention from instructors. Moreover students can rely on staffs  from the International Student Service, no matter the problem they have is academic related or not. I like this place and I believe every future student will enjoy studying at DSU with a great study environment.

Gordon Chan, Dixie State University


  • USA Address1471 N 900 W, Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 USA
  • Hong Kong AddressUnit 12, 13/F, Block 3, Nan Fung Industrial City, No. 18 Tin Hau Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
  • Email852-24628312
  • Whatsapp95177884