Student Exchange

Summer/winter camp

“It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books, and to travel thousands of miles is not as good as the United States to study, eat and live!” To enhance personal growth: At least one of the Eucharist and the soul is on the road, and the body and the soul are on the road together. Summer and winter camps in the United States, visiting cities along the way, visiting world-renowned schools, staying with American homestay families, transferring to American classes, traveling through the scenery and culture, and learning about outstanding culture!

Short term study

The United States and Canada have a large number of world-renowned schools with a long history and profound cultural heritage. World Sky International provides short-term study programs for students, teachers, business managers, and national civil servants in China for 2 weeks to one semester. It provides a full-scale exposure and experience of the learning atmosphere of prestigious schools in the United States and Canada, accepts the influence of advanced education concepts, broadens the international perspective and enriches Life experience, cultivate international and diversified cultural ideas and thinking habits.

Cultural Performance Exchange Group

World Sky International Group has paid attention to Sino-foreign cultural exchange activities for many years and organized many Sino-foreign exchange activities. We provide art / music / cultural performance troupes for Chinese and foreign institutions to provide overseas exchange services. So far, World Sky International Group has assisted in carrying out many cultural and academic exchanges between China and foreign countries, building a bridge between Chinese and foreign universities for cultural, academic, and educational communication, and increasing the number of Chinese and foreign teachers and students in international exchange activities. Benefit.

Raider Journey

“Raider”, that is, individuals or groups, took photos with a camera during the journey, and enthusiastically set foot on miles, exploring the culture, language, cuisine, living habits, economy, trade, family education and history of different countries and regions. “The world is so big, people are really small!” “Read thousands of books and walk thousands of miles.” World Sky launches the “Raiders” project, which provides personalized travel services for individuals or groups who like to travel, and customizes personalized and professional travel routes for individual, family or group travel requirements.

Trip to Europe

Europe is located to the west of Asia and is part of the Eurasian continent. Its north, west, and south sides border the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea, respectively. It is the most economically developed continent in the world, and Europe is the sixth largest in the world. It is the third most populous continent in the world after Asia and Africa. Europe has a deep cultural heritage. Sculpture, architecture, art, literature, and music are all traditional things with a long history in Europe. Britain, Greece, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and almost all European countries are tourist destinations.